Yoon Chung Han
Assistant Professor,
Major Advisor

Assistant Professor,
Major Advisor
Yoon Chung Han is an award-winning interaction designer, interactive media artist, and educator. Over the past fifteen years, she has created a wide range of interactive design, data visualization, sonification, mobile application, multimedia installation, and musical interface design. Her works have been presented in many international exhibitions, conferences, awards, and academic journals such as ACM SIGGRAPH Art gallery, Japan Media Arts Festival, Media City Seoul, ZKM, NIME, ISEA, ACM Multimedia, ACM CHI, TEI, IEEE Vis, Currents New Media, Adobe Design Achievement Award, Information is Beautiful award, and Leonardo Journal. She earned her bachelor's (BFA) and the first Master's degree (MFA) at the Seoul National University, and her second Master's degree (MFA) at Design | Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles. She holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is currently an assistant professor in graphic design in the department of design at San José State University. Prior to joining SJSU, she taught at Academy of Art University, University of San Francisco, and California State University, Fullerton. She has been chairing the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) since 2017, and the Pacificvis storytelling contest since 2020.
Email: yoonchung.han@sjsu.edu
Website: yoonchunghan.com
Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara
MFA. in Design & Media Arts at the University of California, Los Angeles
MFA. in Design & Media Arts at the University of California, Los Angeles
MFA in Interaction Design & BFA in Graphic Design at Seoul National University, South Korea