Diane Lee
Assistant Professor,
Major Advisor

Assistant Professor,
Major Advisor
Diane Lee is a B.C.-born, Montreal- and Kentucky-raised, San José-based graphic designer, artist, and educator. She joined the faculty of San José State University as an Assistant Professor in 2018, where she teaches in the graphic design program. She is interested in fostering supportive and rigorous studio environments that encourage curiosity, community, experimentation, and play.
In her work as a designer, she collaborates with small businesses, independent artists, and cultural institutions on projects that establish graphic identities and communicate visions and values across media—including print, video, physical environments and digital interfaces. Her artistic practice explores the intersections and overlaps of historic and contemporary graphic design practices in a purposeful fluidity between analogue and digital, material and virtual means of making.
She holds an MFA in Graphic Design from Rhode Island School of Design, and a B.Sc. in Graphic Design from the University of Cincinnati (DAAP). Previously, she has taught at Rhode Island School of Design and Clark University, and has worked as a designer at Vanderbyl Design, and on the retail graphic design team at Apple.